cháng jiāng hòu làng tuī qián làng
- [ cháng jiāng hòu làng tuī qián làng ]
- 比喻事物的不断前进。 多指新人新事代替旧人旧事。
- 【解释】:比喻事物的不断前进。多指新人新事代替旧人旧事。
- 出 处
- 元·王子一《误入桃源》第二折:“水呵抵多少长江后浪推前浪,花呵早则一片西飞一片东,岁月匆匆。”
- 英文翻译
- fig. the new is constantly replacing the old
- each new generation excels the previous
- lit. the rear waves of the Yangtze River drive on those before (idiom)
- (of things) to be constantly evolving