
pín xià zhōng nóng 
[ pín xià zhōng nóng ]
  1. 贫农和下中农的并称。
  1. 贫农和下中农的并称。
    周克芹 《许茂和他的女儿们》第五章:“大家都是贫下中农,一根藤上的苦瓜。” 张雪 《山里人》第五章:“咱要学人家那里贫下中农和广大社员……自力更生,艰苦奋斗。”
  1. (category defined by the Communist Party) poor and lower-middle peasants: farmers who, before land reform, possessed little or no land (poor peasants) and those who were barely able to support themselves with their own land (lower-middle peasants)
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