
tóu hú 
[ tóu hú ]
  1. [a game during feast in which the winner was decided by the number of arrows thrown into a distant pot] 古时宴会时的娱乐活动,大家轮流把筹投入壶中,投中少者须罚酒
  1. 古代宴会礼制。亦为娱乐活动。宾主依次用矢投向盛酒的壶口,以投中多少决胜负,负者饮酒。参阅《礼记·投壶》。
    《左传·昭公十二年》:“ 晋侯 以 齐侯 宴, 中行穆子 相。投壶, 晋侯 先, 穆子 曰:‘有酒如 淮 ,有肉如坻。宴君中此,为诸侯师。’中之。”《后汉书·祭遵传》:“ 遵 为将军,取士皆用儒术,对酒设乐,必雅歌投壶。” 唐 韩愈 《郑公神道碑文》:“公与宾客朋游,饮酒必极醉,投壶博弈,穷日夜,若乐而不厌者。” 明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·人部二》:“投壶视诸戏最为古雅。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致曹聚仁》:“ 太炎 先生曾教我小学,后来因为我主张白话,不敢再去见他了,后来他主张投壶,心窃非之。”
  1. ancient banquet game of throwing arrows into a pot, the winner determined by the number of arrows thrown in, and the loser required to drink as punishment
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