
xì shuō 
[ xì shuō ]
  1. 开玩笑。
  1. 开玩笑。
    元 无名氏 《飞刀对箭》第四折:“你剗的还戏説哩,你被 摩利支 杀的大败亏输,若不是 薛仁贵 当住海口,怎能彀杀退 辽 兵?”《老残游记续集遗稿》第六回:“ 德夫人 戏説道:‘我们两口子睡一间屋。’”
  1. dramatic form consisting of historical narration
  2. history as jocular narrative
  3. amusing story with strained interpretations of history
  4. to stretch history for a joking story
  5. to make an unreasonable comparison in jest
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